Trail Notes
Download the trail descriptions of directions and facilities. CWC-ANTICLOCKWISE_trip_notes V3 or CWC CLOCKWISE trip notes V4. The CWC trail follows the quiet backroads in a circuit through Mudgee-Gulgong-Dunedoo- Mendooran-Ballimore-Dubbo-Geurie-Wellington-Goolma-Gulgong to Mudgee. A few busier sections have to be traversed as links to the next quiet road. A circuit distance of 400 km. The trail can be ridden in full, or just sections. There is adventure and fun on the roads less travelled!
The CWC has signage to help provide assurance you are on the right track. BUT do not rely on signage to make your way around the route, signs go missing and are not at every turn. There is a system to the signage – with black arrows for the route in the anticlockwise direction and the white arrows for clockwise direction.
The route of the trail is displayed below. You can download it as a CWC Full Route JPEG for fine scale detail, or slightly coarser, easier overall view and printable on A4 or A3 size paper CWC Full Route PDF. Further below is the CWC route as links to electronic maps (clockwise and anticlockwise) for you to follow on your mobile phone or PDF maps (anticlockwise only) of individual legs.

1. CWC using RidewithGPS app for navigation
- 01a CWC Mudgee_Gulgong_Dunedoo_via_Cobborah_Mendooran or 01b CWC Mudgee_Gulgong_Dunedoo_via_Digilah_Mendooran
- 02a CWC Mendooran_via_Punks_Trail_Wellington-Gulgong
GPX files of CWC
By downloading route 01a or 01b and 02a will give a full CWC loop. Downloading all three will give all route options with some overlapping sections (Mudgee _Gulgong_Dunedoo).
- 01a CWC Mudgee_Gulgong_Dunedoo_via_Cobborah_Mendooran or 01b CWC Mudgee_Gulgong_Dunedoo_via_Digilah_Mendooran
- 02a CWC Mendooran_via_Punks_Trail_Wellington_Gulgong
Individual legs of CWC using RidewithGPS app for navigation (anticlockwise)
- Mudgee Gulgong 30kms
- Gulgong Dunedoo 58km
- Dunedoo – Mendooran via Cobbora 67km or Dunedoo – Mendooran via Digilah 51km
- Mendooran-Ballimore_via_Punks Trail_ 61km or 4b Mendooran_Ballimore via Forest Rd (short route) 53 km
- Ballimore _Wongarbon 30km
- Wongarbon-Dubbo-Wongarbon 38km or 6a Dubbo-Geurie via Old Dubbo Rd 32km
- Wongarbon_Geurie 12km
- Geurie Wellington 29km
- Wellington Goolma via Uamby 49km
- Goolma-Gulgong 31km
PDF maps from RidewithGPS of individual legs (anticlockwise)
- Mudgee to Gulgong 30km
- Gulgong to Dunedoo 58km
- Dunedoo to Mendooran via Cobbora 67km or Dunedoo to Mendooran via Digilah 51km
- Mendooran_Ballimore via Punks Trail 61 km or Mendooran_Ballimore via Forest Rd (short route) 53 km
- Ballimore to Wongarbon 30km
- Wongarbon Dubbo Wongarbon 38km or Dubbo to Geurie via Old Dubbo Road 32km
- Wongarbon Geurie 12km
- Geurie Wellington 29km
- Wellington Goolma 49km
- Goolma Gulgong 31km
2. CWC using RidewithGPS app for navigation (clockwise)
- Mudgee_Gulgong_Wellington_Geurie_Wongarbon_Ballimore_Mendooran
- Mendooran_via_Cobborah_Dunedoo_Gulgong_Mudgee or Mendooran_via_Digilah_Dunedoo_Gulgong_Mudgee
3. Adventure side-routes using RidewithGPS app for navigation (anticlockwise)
The ‘adventure routes’ are definitely more arduous and require greater care and at times greater technical riding skill if you do not want to dismount your bike. That said, many novice riders with care have undertaken these adventure routes. You need to be capable of lifting your bike and carrying it for very short distances, or able to use e-bike self-drive.
- Dunedoo Gulgong via Slap Dash Creek Adventure Trail 50.7km
- Mendooran to Ballimore via Dead Man’s Adventure Trail 63 km
- Wellington_Goolma via Unguula 64km
4. CWC full map on RidewithGPS
- Map can be enlarged or reduced by using the + or – symbol on bottom right-hand corner of map allowing you to get excellent detail on sections.
- The route shows a distance of nearly 500 km, this is because to draft the map on one continuous line requires retracing some sections.
- Different basemaps are available by going to the top right hand corner open the text box with down arrow and clicking to open options (ie satellite, ESRI topographic etc). Not all basemaps have street/road names. RWGPS has a good system of street/road names.
- This map’s facilities will operate best on your mobile phone if you have the RideWithGPS app.
5. Cycle Loops from CWC towns
Sometimes it is nice to lighten or take off the panniers and explore around one of the cornerstone towns of the CWC Trail. Below are links to suggested loop rides you can undertake. More coming your way!! Suggestions to [email protected] welcomed.
Gulgong as base
CWC Loop Gulgong_Beryl_Yarrobil NP 55km
CWC Loop – Gulong_Mudgee 74 km
CWC Loop Gulgong Reef Rd Perserverance Rd 19km
6. CWC to other trails by bicycle
Link route between CWC and OVaL (Orange Villages and Lachlan)
Geurie is mapped as the entry/exit point for the CWC trail. Manildra (town on Orange Villages Bicycle Trail) or Molong (town on Orange Villages Bicycle Trail and Lachlan Valley Cycle Trails – Orange Gravel option) are the entry/exit points for the Orange – Lachlan trails.
Links to each leg mapped on RidewithGPS:
Geurie to Yeoval 57 km
Yeoval to Cumnock 50 km
Cumnock to Molong via Bocoble Gap 64 km
Cumnock to Manildra via Bocobra Rd 59 km
CLICK HERE Other trails Central West NSW and beyond