Mendooran Food Cycle 17-18 May 2025

Program – tickets available – accommodation information

Scroll down to program below or CLICK HERE to download a PDF of program which has links to ticket sales. PDF can be handy for forwarding to others who might be interested!

The Mendooran Food Cycle is on again – from Thursday 17 May to Sunday 18 May with riders starting out from various points of the compass some days before as part of the action. A few more additions are coming – we will keep you posted (last updated 15 Februrary 2025).

The Mendooran Food Cycle provides a great cycling event, but there is also plenty for the non-cyclist – town heritage walks, vegetable garden tour and all the buzz last time, bees!  The big get together is the dinner at the Mendooran Showground on Saturday – the fire will be on.

Mendooran is not a huge town, and last year we had all the beds booked out.  But the strong hand at Mendooran is camping.  So come prepared, the Mendooran Showground facilities are just new and there is a stack of undercover space. Plus, there are a number of other camping locations in the town.  Hopefully we will have details of a couple of initiatives to make the camping option even easier. Looking at tents for hire.

The other purpose of the Food Cycle is to boost the great little town of Mendooran and to fundraise for the Central West Cycle Trail Inc.  CWC takes a bit from each ticket sold to enable it to fund websites, carry insurance, be an incorporated body etc – not exciting but essential. 

Program and Tickets

Thursday 15 May

Ride Gulgong to Dunedoo (58km)9.00am join the crew’ heading to Mendooran via the CWC Trail CLICK HERE for route Location Coronation Park, Mayne St, Gulgong Organised CWCT Committee but self-guided Cost free             CLICK HERE to Indicate intention to ride – THANKS

Ride Ballimore to Cobbora (75km)9.30am join the crew’ heading to Mendooran via the CWC Trail CLICK FOR ROUTE Location Coronation Park, Mayne St, Gulgong Organised CWCT Committee but self-guided Cost free           CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – THANKS

Dunedoo Museum Tour 4pm – 5.30pm get to know the history of the area with our local historian. Location: Dunedoo Museum (same building as Library) Bolaro St, Dunedoo Organised Sharon Nott, local historian Cost $10         CLICK HERE to buy ticket

Friday, 16 May

Ride Dunedoo to Mendooran via Cobbora (67km) 8.30am ‘join the crew’ heading to Mendooran via the CWC Trail CLICK FOR ROUTELocation White Rose Café, Bolaro Street, Dunedoo  Organised CWCT Committee but self-guided. Cost free CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks

Ride Cobbbora to Mendooran (Ellismayne Woolshed) (40km) 9.00am CLICK FOR ROUTE. Location: Ellismayne Woolshed. Organised: CWCT Committee but self-guided Cost free. CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks

Ride Coolah to Mendooran (64km) 9.30am CLICK FOR ROUTE. Location Stump Cafe, Coolah Organised CWCT Committee but self-guided Cost free. CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks

Dunedoo Museum Tour 9am- 10.30am get to know the history of the area with our local historian. Location Dunedoo Museum (same building as Library) Bolaro St, Dunedoo. Organised Sharon Nott, local historian Cost $10 CLICK HERE to buy ticket

Brunch at Cobbora Station 9.30am – 11.45am.  On your way to Mendooran from Dunedoo one of the iconic stops is Cobbora Station for brunch. Location Cobbora Station”, turn west off Cobbora Rd, 500m from edge of township of Cobbora, 25 km from Dunedoo via CWCT Organised Sally Dent Cost $33 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential) 

Saturday, 17 May

Century Ride Mendooran-Dunedoo:7.30am Long loop ride (120km) to Cobbora, Dunedoo (lunch), then back via Digilah, Route follows the CWC Trail. CLICK HERE for route Location Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised    CWCT Committee but self-guided Cost free CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks

Ride Merrygoen, 8.15am short loop (35 km) and long loop (55 km). CLICK HERE for routes Location Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised CWCT members John Fuller & Mick Cooper Cost free  CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks      Ride back into town to enjoy and coffee and support the local town.

Ride around Mendooran (8 km) 8.30 – 9.45am a quiet cycle through the back streets and along the river. CLICK HERE for route Location Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised CWCT Committee member Sharon Nott Cost free CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks.  

Heritage and Architectural Walk Mendooran township 10am – 11.30am classic examples of Art Deco and colonial architecture, hear the stories. Location, Mendooran Café, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised Barbara Hickson, Heritage Architect and CWCT, and Sharon Nott, CWCT Cost $5.00 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Black Gate Distillery – tastings 11.00am-11.45am The Black Gate Distillery epitomises Mendooran punching above its weight in the food value adding industry. Meet the entrepreneurs, taste the award winning products. Cost $30.00 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Clem’s Garden Tour 12.50 – 2.30pm Introduction to his goats and then stroll around his garden providing the good oil on what and when to grow in the Central West.  Clem is a local gardener who grows a very substantial part of his annual food supply needs. Location O’Leary Pavilion, Showground, Mendooran  Organised Clem Chapman-local Mendooran gardener Cost $5.00 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Black Gate Distillery – tastings 1.00am-1.45am The Black Gate Distillery epitomises Mendooran punching above its weight in the food value adding industry. Meet the entrepreneurs, taste the award winning products. Cost $30.00 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Life of Bees and Tastes of Honey 1.00 – 2.30pm    This will get your mind buzzing!  An incredible insight into and a taste of the Australian bee industry from Adrian Grew principal of The Bee Farmer. Now includes Dark Sky Meadery.  Location 79 Frederick Road, Mendooran Organised Adrian Grew, The Bee Famer Cost $20 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Black Gate Distillery – tastings 3.00pm-3.45pm The Black Gate Distillery epitomises Mendooran punching above its weight in the food value adding industry. Meet the entrepreneurs, taste the award winning products. Cost $30.00 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Life of Bees and Tastes of Honey 3pm – 4.30pm. This will get your mind buzzing!  An incredible insight into and a taste of the Australian bee industry from Adrian Grew principal of The Bee Farmer. Now includes Dark Sky Meadery.  Location 79 Frederick Road, Mendooran               Organised Adrian Grew, The Bee Famer Cost $20   CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Local Produce Evening Market 5pm-6,30pm, A showcasing of local produce where you can meet some of the growers, and a chance to get something to take on the next day’s ride or to carry home. Location Mendooran Showground Organised Carmel Bundy, Dunedoo Coolah Landcare – Cost Entry free  

Tastes of Mendooran Dinner 6pm onwards The fire will be alight, whilst the Mendooran Show society provides a multi-course dinner. Vegetarian options available.  With the baked vegetables you can select from the slow cookers the lamb, the beef, the pork of the district. Then the desserts made from local goodies. Location Showground, Mendooran Organised Mendooran Pastoral Agricultural & Horticultural Society. Cost $35 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Sunday, 18 May

Ride Mendooran to Dunedoo via Cobbora 8.15am and visit Sally’s for Brunch (see below @ 9.30am, tickets and payment) on the way.  Location Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised CWCT Committee but self-guided       Cost free  CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks

Ride Goonoo 8.15am forest trails where meeting a vehicle is once in a ‘blue moon’ event. You can either be riding onto Ballimore (60km Mendooran-Ballimore) CLICK FOR ROUTE (to Ballimore) or looping back to Mendooran via Deadman’s Gully (51km) CLICK ROUTE (loop back to Mendooran).  Enjoy morning tea on the way, see Café in the Goonoo below.  CLICK HERE for route Location Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St. Mendooran Organised CWCT Committee member Dave Allworth Cost Free CLICK HERE for intention to ride – thanks On your ride, deep in the forest you will find the Goonoo Café, 8.30am-10.30am Coffee, tea, a comfortable seat and more to be enjoyed. Location Denmire Creek, Forest Rd (Mendooran-Dubbo Rd) Organised Mendooran Dunedoo Coolah Landcare.  Cost of morning tea $17 CLICK HERE to buy ticket CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks

Ride Mendooran to Dunedoo or  Coolah via Digilah 8.15am CLICK FOR ROUTE(Dunedoo) or CLICK FOR ROUTE(Coolah) Location: Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St, Mendooran. Organised: CWCT Committee but self-guided. Cost: Free CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride to COOLAH (thanks) CLICK HERE to iIndicate intention to ride to DUNEDOO (thanks)

Ride around Mendooran (6 km) 8.30 – 9.45am a quiet cycle through the back streets and along the river. CLICK HERE for route Location Mendooran Cafe, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised CWCT Committee Cost free CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride – thanks.  

Autumn Markets at Blue Sky Cheese 9.00am onwards Range of stalls from local food producers to those with something interesting to sell.  Location grounds of Blue Sky Cheese Shop, Bandulla St, Mendooran Organised Deb Kiem, Blue Sky Cheese Shop          Cost Free        

Brunch at Cobbora Station 9.30 – 11.45am On your way to Dunedoo from Mendooran one of the iconic stops is Cobbora Station for brunch. At 40km from Mendooran and another 25km to Dunedoo it is just the right time to stop.  Location Cobbora Station, turn west off Cobbora Rd, 500m from edge of township of Cobbora, Organised Sally Dent Cost $33 CLICK HERE to buy ticket (booking essential)

Monday, 19 May

Ride Dunedoo to Gulgong 8.30am.This is a different route than that taken to go between Gulgong to Dunedoo on Thursday.  CLICK HERE FOR ROUTE Location: Depart White Rose Cafe, Bolaro St, Dunedoo. Organised: CWCT Committee, but self-guided Cost: Free CLICK HERE to indicate intention to ride 


There is a range of accommodation in and around Mendooran – but for an event like this be early to book. The strength of Mendooran are the camping options – the Showground (plenty of undercover space and hot showers), beside the Castlereagh River,. Use the ‘Accommodation-Tours-Transport’ tab on the CWCT website for guidance, follow the links: CLICK HERE FOR ACCOMMODATION OR refer to the ‘QUICK REFERENCE ACCOMMODATION GUIDE’.

Camping is Mendooran’s strong hand. There is free camping at the river, and the showground has excellent facilities contact Treasurer of the Showground Deb Keim 0448 344 027. The best option we can find for tent & camping equipment hire is:    Ask for the tent be delivered and picked up from the Mendooran Showground. For delivery to Mendooran give local contact of Showground Treasurer, Deb Keim on 0448 344 027.  Recommend you get your order in by Thursday 1 May so it will be available at the showground for you when you arrive.

Camping is Mendooran’s strong hand!! There is free camping in Mendooran and the showground has excellent facilities – contact Treasurer of the Showground Deb Keim 0448 344 027. The best option we can find for tent & camping equipment hire is:    Ask for the tent be delivered and picked up from Mendooran B&B, 75 Bandulla St, Mendooran.   Recommend you get your order in by Thursday 1 May so it will be available at the showground for you when you arrive.

Maps – Route Options

For cycling routes around Mendooran CLICK HERE. Route variety will increase as we approach the weekend.

If you’re thinking of driving to a local town and doing a loop ride to Mendooran as part of the Food Cycle weekend but haven’t got time for the whole CWCT there are a range of options available.   Contact us for more advice/information:  [email protected]  or call David Allworth 0408 726 038.

Further information

For further information and updates watch the CWC Facebook site or CWC  website News section.  On the weekend the Mendooran Showground will be the key location for information.

Any queries [email protected]


There will be periodic closures of Scabbing Bridge over the Macquarie River 4 km south of Geurie. Closures programmed for October through to mid-December. The closure dates set by the Dubbo Regional Council should be notified on Live Traffic NSW . The dates known as at 29 October are:

* Tues 29th, to Thurs 31st October, * Tues 12th to 14th November * Tues 26th to Thurs 28th November and * Tues 10th to Thurs 12th December. BUT CHECK LIVE TRAFFIC TO SURE ON THE DAY OR EVENING OF JOURNEY.

Cllck here for copy of the Dubbo Regional Council’s conditions of use of alternative route. A key condition is that Saxa Rd is used at riders own risk. For alternative route information etc go to CWC Facebook (14) Central West Cycle Trail | Facebook or Alerts Map on The Trail page on this website at The Trail – Central West Cycle Trail.

Trail Highlight – the people you meet over a cuppa and home-made fare

Trail Highlight – the people you meet over a cuppa and home-made fare

Personally hosted mornings teas, lunches or afternoon teas on local farms or a rural village are a unique and memorable feature of the Central West Cycle Trail.  Hundreds of cyclists have enjoyed the home-made foods and insight to country living provided by these pre-booked visits.  Bookings a must because there are farms to be run, teaching and landcare to be attended to, and the mail to be sorted. Birriwa, call Sue Rains, “Mayfield”, 02 6375 8291; Cobbora, call Sally Dent, 0498 542 689; Wongarbon, call Suzie Gratton, 0422 615 945.


From September for three months, a small number of passengers will have the option of bringing bicycles onto the train when they board a select XPT service at Dubbo or Central, without having to put them in a bike box.

NSW TrainLink’s limited proof of concept trial is designed to provide insights into the operational feasibility of transporting bikes onboard long-distance regional trains.

Please try it out, fill out the Trainlink feedback form and gives us your thoughts at  [email protected] or at the CWC Facebook page.

Details of the trial are contained in the two links below:

Limited roll-on bikes trial on Sydney-Dubbo XPT services |

Minister inspects new regional rail fleet in Dubbo | Transport for NSW

Photo below shows bicycle of CWC committee member John Fuller on the Dubbo-Central XPT service.

CWC Guide Book -A3 map

Trail guide, memento or inspiration to ride is the new 22 page Central West Cycle Trail book. The new edition has a foldout A3 size map.  Each of the 10 legs of the 400km has a separate map, photos, key features and direction notes.   Photographs have been contributed by numerous of the riders of the trail over the last three years.   Although we live in the wonder of the electronic age a publication for browsing or reading jointly with others provides a special joy. Cost is $20.00 (postage included). Go to: CWC Guide Book – Central West Cycle Trail

Unboxing regional bike tourism

Unboxing regional bike tourism

The Central West Cycle Committee, Bicycle NSW and Rail Trails NSW have put out a pre-election call for there to be deletion of the rule requiring the boxing of bicycles on regional trains and Trainlink coaches.

Committee members of the CWC have developed a detailed document (13 pages) about the changes that can be made at low-cost to allow cyclists to roll their bikes on and off regional trains and coaches. See Bicycles on Regional Trains. A good coverage of the issues is on the Bicycle NSW news site.

Dismantling, boxing and weighing bikes just to board TrainLink is a major deterrent to regional tourism. Cycle tourism will continue to prefer Victoria, NZ and Europe over NSW because the outdated TrainLink policy doesn’t support Roll-On Bikes on All NSW Trains.

Taking bikes onto trains/coaches needs to be a customer friendly experience. 

Rain, Signage and Maps – Please read

Rain, Roads and Creeks

The second half of 2022 is typified by rain -unprecedented amounts. 

Before venturing out on any day check the CWC Facebook (tap on FEATURED icon) and other links listed below for road/trail conditions. We strongly recommend support vehicles should plan on limiting themselves to the use of sealed (bitumen) roads. 

The Facebook rather than the website will be the vehicle for the most up to date information known to the Committee because of the ability to quickly make updates from the field, through a number of observers. But riders/support teams are finally responsible for decisions as independent travellers about the route they take and whether to proceed.

Useful links are: 

Warumbungle Shire Council link:

 Road Closures – Warrumbungle Shire Council (

Mid-Western Regional Council link:

 Current Road Closures | Disaster Dashboard (

Dubbo Regional Council link:

ROAD CLOSURES – Dubbo Regional Council (

Other essential links are for Goonoo State Forest and for drier times Fires Near Me.

Circumstances can change before warnings can be posted, as such people have to make their own assessment of risk and be sufficiently prepared with supplies to not have to take risky options. It is our local experience that roads can become impassable due to bogging and fast or deep water well before there is signage erected by authorities.

Signage and maps

Do not depend on signage alone to navigate the CWC – following a map is essential!!

The CWC has tried to place oval signage on all major intersections to assist navigation. But there are gaps!

The BLACK arrows depict an anti-clockwise route, and the WHITE are clockwise. The directional stickers are all black arrows regardless of direction.

We are only allowed to place oval signage on traffic information signposts and not traffic control posts and as a result are limited where they can go, so if there is no suitable post there won’t be a sign. Note there are no oval signs in the Goonoo Forest as we can’t get approval from National Parks only the black arrow stickers in both directions.


Recent rains have created challenges for riders. Below are some alternatives for known problem areas. We are looking to expand our range of options available to cater for adverse weather.   Meanwhile, do not hesitate to call any of the contacts listed on this website for advice.

1, Wellington-Dubbo

Recently routes can be cut between Geurie and Dubbo both on Old Dubbo Road and roads out of Wongarbon to Dubbo.    

Alternative route is “Dubbo-Wellington sealed”– south of Macquarie River 59.8km mapped by Mick Cooper.

To see route CLICK HERE

2. Wellington-Gulgong

Main trouble arises on this route at Uamby Creek about 10km from Goolma  on the Uamby Rd towards Wellington. The alternative route to Goolma is to follow 12 Mile Rd and miss Uamby Rd.

To see route CLICK HERE

Because of recent roads works at a causeway there was another ‘road closed’ section 5km along Mebul Rd from the Goolma end.  This is not expected to be a long-term problem. However, whilst work happens in May and June 2022 problems could arise if heavy rains occur. People have been forced onto the Goolma-Wellington Rd which is not pleasant.  We are looking at alternative options.

General experience across the CWC has been that troubles arise within the 12 to 24 hrs of heavy rains – with most creeks receding quickly without further rain and gravel roads drying.  Being able to alter timetable with a Plan B is very valuable.

The CWC is characterised by quiet gravel roads and creek crossings without bridges – either a concrete causeway or stream bed itself.  This means you enjoy many many kilometres of quiet cycling. The flip side is there is no ‘big road’ engineering to protect you from the effects of heavy downpours.

Old Dubbo Rd (Dubbo to Geurie) added

The CWC website now carries mapping for utilizing the option of going between Dubbo and Geurie via Old Dubbo Rd, distance 32 km.  This route option creates a loop for those going into Dubbo on their way between Geurie (Wellington) to Ballimore. Previously the route into Dubbo from Wongarbon was very similar to the onward leg to Ballimore from Dubbo.

The trail option is in the Map section of the CWC website is listed as 6a in the PDF and RideWithGPS links.  The new route is also covered in the trail description on the website in the Dubbo-Geurie section.  On route you will go by the Pioneer Cemetery and the Dun Lah Café 0419 981 626 (check opening hours on its webpage).   The loop Dubbo – Old Dubbo Rd – Geurie – Wongarbon-Dubbo is a ‘day trip’ option if you stay over in that part of CWC region.  A little insight from Mick Cooper  at (14) Central West Cycle Trail | Facebook.

COVID but CWC improvements continue

COVID but CWC improvements continue

We are not out of the woods yet with the COVID 19 situation in the Central West.  Numerous people are rebooking to ride in the New Year.

But whilst lockdown has meant full brakes on with regards people riding, there are some improvements to look forward to.

  • At Goolma roadworks have been completed to give a 1.2m shoulder on the 2.3km section between the village of Goolma and Mebul Road towards Gulgong(see photo above) A definite improvement and we will continue to push for improved shoulders on these short but busier sections of the trail that are so key for linking those hundreds of kilometres of quite roads and tracks together.
  • Locals have been developing a few local circuit rides.  Committee member Sharon Nott has finished investigating a nice little 20km circuit ride south out from Dunedoo thence via Fairfield Rd to Golden Highway, follow wide shoulder a short distance west and onto  Lewis Lane to Lawson Park Rd west to Digilah Rd (part of CWC) and back to Dunedoo.  The Dunedoo-Cobbora area provides great range of rural accommodation and some nice rides so you can enjoy the area.  
  • More at a desktop level there keen CWC riders in Sydney looking at routes to ride from Sydney to the CWC.  Similarly, Shawn Flannery of PedalVentures continues to refine routes from Kandos to the CWC starting at Mudgee-Gulgong. Some great back roads between Kandos to Mudgee.
  • The Committee has written to all local councils seeking permission to attach fingerpost signs to exits of each of the towns and villages. Good responses have been received to date but getting the three councils on the one song sheet will be important so the trail signage has integrity.

Hopefully, we can be back riding the full CWC soon.